Mechanical Properties Evaluation of the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Sandwich Composites

7:14 p.m.
The composite materials are used in many engineering applications due to their excellent properties. The sandwich composite materials replace the metals owing to their excellent strength with low weight. Many of the literature deals with the combination of steel or aluminium reinforced with the glass fiber reinforced composites materials. The carbon fiber finds application in aerospace and related fields. The cost of fabrication is reduced by using sandwich structures. The aluminium is sandwiched between the carbon layers formed as fiber metal laminates (FML), and it has excellent qualities such as overall reduced weight, corrosion resistance and environment friendly .
In the present investigation explained on this article, carbon fiber reinforced aluminium composite materials are fabricated and their mechanical properties are evaluated. The fracture surfaces of the materials are evaluated by using scanning electron microscope (SEM).
The properties are evaluated by the following experiment, tensile test, flexural test and impact test, which ones they conclude:

-      The tensile strength, flexural strength and the impact strength are observed for 3 different specimen. The tensile strength increases up to certain limit, and then falls due to the variation of metal-fiber laminate.

-      The flexural strength also shows the same trend due to two different materials such as fiber and aluminium.

-      The fractured surface of the tensile, flexural and impact specimen are analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

-      The SEM micrographs indicate debonding, fuzziness, fiber fracture and pit formation due to the application of load.

Mechanical Properties Evaluation of the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Sandwich Composites

Uthirapathy Tamilarasan a   b   *  , Loganathan Karunamoorthy b   , Kayaroganam Palanikumar c  
aDepartment of Production Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai-44, Tamil Nadu, India
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25, Tamil Nadu, India
cDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai-44, Tamil Nadu, India

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