7:18 p.m.
It has been complicated to have exact knowledge on how there might be used conductive fibers that possess a performance to a high level of stretching, up to 15 times his length normal.se have obtained big advances in the recent years receive new electronic devices that could double, flexionarse and to stretch.
East new investigation makes way to new applications in the robotics, use of exoesqueletos, new textiles between others. To be able to create these new fibers they were wrapped in a core of rubber by sheets of nanotubo of coal, which they are relatively cheap and easy to make, and the fibers stretched up to 15 times his length, consequently on having stopped stretching the fibers the individual nanotubos double like acordeones, on having returned to stretch, the sheets double in a different way to deliver a shrug of the circumference of the core of rubber while the fibers were lengthened.
A potential application of the fibers would be arranged to the design of cables superelastic loaders for the consumption of the electronics, which wants to be obtained is to introduce a new elastic material that could expire with several electrical functions.

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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.

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